Your Personal Brand - The Reason You Should Care...
WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL BRAND? You have probably heard how important it is to think about and manage your own personal...

What are you doing to manage your career while you are working?
If I had to take a poll of people who have lost a job, there would be a clear winner in the regret department. Most job seekers are...

Uncover if a potential new boss is a good leadership fit for you BEFORE you agree to an offer – Here
"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. A leader leads and a boss drives", Theodore Roosevelt There is an often repeated...

A Life Changing Gift I Received from a Client...
When you reflect on your life, you often realize that there are pivotal days that change everything that comes after that day. Something...

Three important lesson learned in life coach training...
Last week I had the great pleasure of participating in an intensive life and career coach certification program. It was truly a...

Don’t Leave Your Network Supporters Out of the Loop: Follow-Up is the Key to Good Networking
Okay, you have finally heeded the advice to network in your job search. You have made calls. You have had coffee. You have been...

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Tired and Outdated?
With over 450 million+ members, LinkedIn® is the largest and most powerful tool available to manage professional identity. Most people...

Networking is not used car sales….Reimagining this vital career investment
Say the word “networking” and you strike fear and loathing in the hearts of many people. Networking is viewed as begging, badgering and...

What Should I Do with my Life? 3 Creative Ways to Generate Career Possibilities.
How many of us have lamented “What should I do when I grow up?” Career reinvention can happen at any stage of our career life cycle. ...

Performing a culture check – How do you make sure of fit BEFORE you take a job?
There is not much worse in our career than being in the wrong job. We spend the vast majority of our waking hours working and getting...